Click to listen to "The Gwidy Tea Party Song"



Welcome to Gwidyarts!


Fear breeds fear. 

Everything you put love into gets better.    

Peace starts in the heart and spreads to everything and everyone around you. 

This is where I stand....and the Gwidies, too!

Bettina Makley


Free Peace Symbols!   

Hey...we have a MYSPACE!

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What is a Gwidy?

When my son, Stephen, was about eleven months old, his word for what we called "wipies" (baby wipes in the blue box) was "gwidies". On his first birthday, he unwrapped a present from his Uncle Philip. There was the familiar blue box! "Oooooo, gwidies!" He exclaimed. It tickles me, to this day, that Stephen would have been perfectly happy with a box of "wipies", but I knew there had to be something else in the box, so I leaned over to help him open it. Inside, the box was filled with rainbow-colored, plastic dinosaurs. "Look", I said. "It's really dinosaurs"! Stephen raised his eyebrows, reached his little hands inside the box, lowered his voice and said, intensely, almost whispering, "Ooooo Gwidies.....Gwidies.....

After a time, the definition of "Gwidy" expanded to include all scaly reptilian-like creatures, no matter what planet they were from. A dragon, for instance, could be a Gwidy.

Today, the Gwidies are defining themselves as they evolve in my imagination. Here are some things I know about Gwidies so far:

1. Gwidies are magic (of course) and are to good deeds   what Gremlins are to mischief.

2. You will know when you have been visited by a Gwidy, by the "Gwidy Dust" they leave behind.

3. They are very colorful and scaly.

4. They are gentle and loving.

5. Gwidies love music! In fact, "Gwidy Song" is heard, from time to time, by people in our world.

6. They are very creative.

7. They give extraordinary tea parties.

8. Gwidies come in all sizes! Many of them are quite large!

9. "Gwidy" is pronounced with a long "i" sound.
"Keep it tidy like a Gwidy"

10. They particularly enjoy helping others.
The Gwidy motto: "We Choose Love!"

Copyright 2000, Bettina Makley, all rights reserved.

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All Graphics on this site belong to and were made by Bettina Makley, unless otherwise noted and all rights are reserved!